Space Stars

The possibilities that technology and information processing are amazing, but at the moment, are just that, possibilities. We are constantly trying to find ways to make technology better, and more efficient. With the advent of quantum computing, we may be able to do more than we ever dreamed of.

In a recent breakthrough, scientists have discovered a new way to increase the computing power of the technology that will, hopefully one day, bring us to the stars. In an article from, Jonathon Varian explains how quantum bits can increase the computing power of a given technology by existing in more than two states (as opposed to the more common 0 and 1). Increasing the amount of processing power we have the access to will help develop technology to explore more of space, and create safer and stronger non-terrestrial modes of transportation.

The uses are not limited to the exciting world of interstellar travel. Quantum bits, or qubits for short, can be used for our Earth bounds needs as well. According to Time Magazine, Google is using qubits to develop technology to make smart cars, and help prevent cancer by speeding up the rate of detection. In short, the implementation of qubits into our technologies will make our lives better, fast, and stronger.

D-Wave, the leading company in developing this technology, gives an analogy of how this form of computing works more efficiently than classical computing, by comparing information processing to going through a mountain range. The D-Wave processor considers all tangibles simultaneously to calculate the lowest energy required to form those relationships. Quantum computers can calculate the tangibles faster to find the lowest point. The computer returns many very good answers in a short amount of time – 10,000 answers in one second. This gives the user not only the optimal solution or a single answer, but also other alternatives to choose from.”

Blog by Alanah Rafferty
Edited by Leigh Haugh

D Waves Website
Quantum Computing and Cancer
Time Magazine: Quantum Computing How NASA Uses Quantum Computing for Space Travel and Robotics

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