

During a phone conversation, Norm Ross spoke about the issues facing Nevada. He exhibited the ability to forward his intent with grace and intelligence. The candidate seeking election for the Assembly District 8 (AD8) seat. Ross discussed his passion for the people of Nevada and the state’s need for change.

Immigration, Refugees, and Non-English Speaking Students

He believes that dealing with illegal immigration and closing the borders should be a priority. Clark County schools are impacted with a high percentage of immigrant children, and for many of them, English is not their primary language. In 2013, statistics indicated that 44 percent of the students were of Hispanic decent, according to Las Vegas Review-Journal.

One solution to the overabundance of non-English speaking students would be to have a separate school to focus on learning the language, says Ross. In fact, school officials state the situation has been identified as a problem because they have been working toward the improvement of student performance. With the number of Hispanic students increasing, “the challenges they bring to the district, according to state test results and graduation rates show them lagging behind other student groups.”

RossMoreover, Ross is adamantly against allowing any refugees residence in Nevada. He would not support legislation which would admit them to the state.

Voter I.D. Reform

Proper voter identification is a must to keep elections honest and above board. In Nevada, there are multiple ways an eligible citizen can register to vote:

  • Social services agencies and the Department of Motor Vehicles provide forms.
  • A person can go to the County Clerk or Registrar Offices and file.
  • Nevada is one of at least 29 states that allow online registration.

Ross feels that the use of the internet to register to vote should not be allowed. He says that a person should be required to the to the state’s registrar with either a birth certificate or passport. This, he adds, would prevent anyone from registering more than once using alternative names.

Veterans Services

For a veteran to receive medical services they are required to use providers at the VA hospital and clinics. However, Ross would like to see this change. He supports veterans being allowed to find their own doctors, and the VA insurance should cover the bills.

An anecdote shared by Ross demonstrates the VA’s inefficiency. He said the VA facilities were closed and moved one location, which makes it difficult for the veterans. Furthermore, veterans are often assigned to a nurse practitioner rather than a physician, which they deserve.

Our veterans are heroes, and we must, as a society, begin treating them as such. They put their lives on the line to protect us and our freedoms and keeping the homeland safe.

Norm Ross Cares About Nevada

RossOn his website, Ross discusses all of the issues he intends to support and work toward a resolution. They are; repealing the Commerce Tax, keeping property taxes low, and allowing families to send their children the school they choose.

  • Commerce Tax – Contrary to what big government liberals claim, Nevada residents and businesses are not under-taxed, and our state government is not underfunded. The Commerce Tax passed in 2015 will only hurt businesses in Nevada and cause more job loss.
  • Property Taxes – Increasing property taxes will only burden our seniors and families already struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Additionally, it will have an adverse effect on new home construction causing more loss of good paying jobs.
  • School Choice – The Education Savings Accounts (ESA) legislation passed in 2015 is a great start allowing school choice for all students. We can and should strengthen access to these accounts.
  • Ending Civil Forfeiture – These laws, which allow law enforcement to seize and keep property without filing charges or securing criminal convictions, are an assault on the people’s due process and private property rights. Nevada must abolish this unfair practice and ensure that only convicted criminals and not innocent Nevadans, lose their assets to forfeiture.

Ross proclaims that once he is elected to the Assembly on November 8, he intends to introduce legislation to rectify these issues in Nevada.

By Cathy Mine


Interview: October 13, 2016, with Norm Ross
Elect Norm Ross: Website – Issues
Las Vegas Review-Journal: Clark County School District enrollment grows, with Hispanics leading the trend
Ballotpedia: Public Policy in Nevada

Top and Featured Image Courtesy of David Stanley’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License
Inset Images Courtesy of Norm Ross – Used With Permission

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